"Books. Have you ever had an evening to yourself where you could simply sit by the fire and read a decent book?" He asked, a smile upon his face. "I find it almost comforting at times."
There was a small curve to her lips as she thought about it. "When I'm traveling, I often read or study by the campfire. Something about the quiet of it, I find it settles my mind. It's been a while since I've had a moment such as that to myself, though."
"It is moments like these where you should take a little time to yourself," he told her gently. "When life has become complicated and time is not on your side, that is when the counter-intuitive next step is to slow yourself down."
Expressive ears swept up, cupping toward him as she listened to his gentle advice. "If the time won't make itself available, then I must take it for myself." She smiled again, briefly closing her eyes to him in a slow-blink. "Thank you for the advice, my friend."