Senator Heinrich, how frequently have you had contact with the board members of those failing companies that you were so sudden to expose only moments ago?!
Senator Heinrich, how many companies are you invested in that are publicly traded and also due to your position - have access to insider trading information?
Enjoying the show from the cheap seats? When does our "Senator" grow some balls? You are a no-show in this fight and you have waffled for years. DO SOMETHING.
Socialist Kamala would have let the Trump tax cuts expire and New Mexicans would be paying higher taxes. Trump is also considering giving everyone $5000 on top of lower taxes! 🇺🇸
Take out full page in newspapers
Go on AM radio shows
Not glamorous enough?
U can be LBJ or or James Carville? Not both.
Seems like it would have been cheaper for them to just pay their fair share of taxes 🤷♂️