I am so disgusted with your comment after the Zelensky meeting yesterday. Do you no longer recognize a decent man and world hero due to your blind allegiance to Donald Trump? Shame on you. What would your ancestors say? Be a true patriot and support Ukraine. 🇺🇦 democracy is on the line.
When Rubio first showed up on the political scene I had hopes he might be a different kind of politician. I was a conservative back then. I’ve never been more mistaken about a piece of human trash! His family came from communist Cuba. Fuck you Marco. May your children view you with repulsion. Shame!
how dare you mention a black man's name. Your arrogance, stupidity, hatefulness, KKK/apartheid-leaning bullshit shd disqualify you all from public life.
Cowardice is openly showed by good men who let evil happen on their watch. It's been your watch, and you have not only allowed the evil to persist, but you are now feeding its grotesque appetite Marco.... This is being witnessed.
Is this the same NC GOP that believes the head of our national government should have total power but the head of our state government should have none? Shameful!
Get in a ring with Zelensky instead of licking Trumps.
kissing the ring and genuflecting to Eio and 47
And the people of NC know it
Fake Christian
Florida hates you