Tarta Relena - És pregunta
Brilliant work by a catalan female duo. It takes music from european sacred and not sacred tradition and plays with it, deconstruct it, sometimes fuse it with modern sensibility and in the end you are left with an object that is both familiar and alien
Brilliant work by a catalan female duo. It takes music from european sacred and not sacred tradition and plays with it, deconstruct it, sometimes fuse it with modern sensibility and in the end you are left with an object that is both familiar and alien
A masterpiece if there was ever once, it takes everything the Einstürzende had done and takes it to a new level, at some point I was genuinely scared. I will need to relisten to it again to capture all the dark and metallic shades that are in here
Hardcore punk and hip hop seems a perfect match, both come from a tradition of anger, politically commitment and energic music. Soul Glo are not the first to do it, but this remains one of the best example of it with its moving basslines and scratching riffs