It all boils down to patriarchy. It always has. Patriarchy is a system of domination and hierarchy. Anything/anyone that threatens the privileged position and power of men, and in particular cishet men because they are the ones that define masculinity in this system, is to be suppressed/oppressed.
I never believed in any sort of so- called “gender norm.” I choose ppl I care about for who they are rather than what they look like, what they own or who they love.
It certainly does. Men are in crisis largely because, and to the degree that, diseased gender norms are enforced upon them and they feel obligated to enforce them upon other men and boys.
We were taught there is a man's role and a woman's role, stereotypes only. We were not taught to be flexible in this. Then the world began to flex in the 70s, men w no coping training. Now the backlash in the minority that has not been able to flex. Change creates anger?