Beetle taught me so I am now teaching Brawny. Mom still isn’t sure how tall he’s going to get, he’s still got short legs, she thinks he’s just going to be short and stocky. But we will find out soon enough.
Maybe he’ll be as tall as your Dad HahajahahahahahahHhH
Then your teaching will come in handy. Bud realized he had bumper butt strength before he accepted that he is a dog, so I let him be alpha. I am still the leader, tho
We work it out. HL has a hard time butting out, but she doesn’t want to confuse our canine rules. Except when Bud jumps on my back or gets a mean on. Cuz I’m so small and precious 🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣
Then your teaching will come in handy. Bud realized he had bumper butt strength before he accepted that he is a dog, so I let him be alpha. I am still the leader, tho