uhhh you could blur ur face out depending how much ur head is moving (this needs a simple but effective face tracker for it to work well or if ur head isn't moving too much a big blurry circle should work)
Yeah unfortunately I don't really know of any easy face tracker lol. And any scenario where I could just cover part of the screen with black bars, I'd rather just crop the video lol. Never really have any reason to show something above my head.
it's kinda hard to explain editing stuff because I don't know how good you are with editing, but i remember seeing a motion tracking filter in it somewhere
a good video should do the trick, there's other things you might need to do for the blur to sit only on ur face
or some very comedicly placed black bars lol
it's kinda hard to explain editing stuff because I don't know how good you are with editing, but i remember seeing a motion tracking filter in it somewhere
a good video should do the trick, there's other things you might need to do for the blur to sit only on ur face