There is no "what-about". The green light was set on genociding Palestinians AGAIN and your poor sense of priority has you looking at the wrong thing.
Seriously. How can you see a guy with an autism tattoo and go "gangster"?
Seriously. How can you see a guy with an autism tattoo and go "gangster"?
2nd. Palenstenians are raised to hate/kill jews. There whole assistance is to hate/kill jews. They started the war using stolen aid to buy the weapons.
Israel started this war long ago by repeatedly attacking Palestine.
Like, who the fuck thinks something like that is a good thing? What kind of monster thinks "suicide good"?
... That's it i got nothing else
Is "Your lucky Im not in charge" a threat? I'm not accusing you of a threat, but that's one hell of a statement.
Also, it's you're*
p.s. Thanks for pointing out a typographical error. Youre an excellent GRAMMAR NAZI.
Also, i thought you guys said we "call anyone we dont like nazis"... Despite there being literal self-proclaimed nazis at trump rallies and voting red.
Dont you hate when people are falsely labelled nazis?