Amen, but the wealthy keep bombarding the poor and middle class folks with bullshit lies about social issues like drag queen story time, war on Christmas, DEI, and woke ideology. This stirs up the knuckle dragging Trumpanzees, who will ignore their pockets being picked, to “own” the libs.
Things are moving pretty Fast, now. They will soon see other MAGAts getting pissed at Trump. Things are getting Worse and worse. Some people are fine if all these CUTS, only affect other people. Soon things will get bad enough that different issues hit the MAGAt's friends and families & at home.
Time to take back the government, take back the country!The time is ripe for a global movement to save democracies worldwide.Fascist poison is spreading like wild 🔥
People are sick of income inequity-rich and corporations getting richer.Time to end the Era of Oligarchs/Fascists
People are sick of income inequity-rich and corporations getting richer.Time to end the Era of Oligarchs/Fascists
Stand and Rise!