Clutch is an odd favorite of mine & I say that because I have a horror story about seeing them in concert with an ex 22ish years ago. 😅🤣 geez that mades me feel super old. 🥹🤣
Uh oh. 😅😅😅 They're so great, I feel like they just keep getting better and better. I hear ya. I start to feel hella old when my niece and nephew start telling me a story about some celeb or musician, then pause and say "Do you even know who that is?" Little jerks. 😅😅🤘
They really are & I agree! They also are kickass in concert (minus my person drama but that’s not their fault 😅😂). I completely get that about kids these days & music!! I have an almost 7-year-old & he is getting into new bands so I’m trying to be hip, but also understanding bc some are horrible.🤣😂
Agree, they're awesome live. It's a struggle to keep up! 😅 At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel... Horror. I'm sure you guys will have a blast showing him some cool stuff along the way. 😊🤘