Is it acceptable to let people suffer and die so an insurance company can increase their profits? That's the more egregious travesty than one person, who profited off of and was celebrated for it, getting taken out.
Obviously this killer was looking for some type of shock statement kill, which makes him no better than who he killed. He could have done it in silence, why out in the open like that🤔
Or, maybe he took the opportunity to do what he did when he had it? Or in a way that endangered the least people to make his statement? Which, by the way, has increased the scrutiny on insurance company's malignant policies and practices and increased discourse about them.
Sometimes shock is needed
Say something (back door is open, I'll buy you time)
Sometimes shock is needed
Trust your judgment and remember that you have the choice to speak up or stay quiet as needed. 🌟
I said "wow! I want to eat that"