Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (1994)
Finally, I knew about the band and its morbid story for a while but never gave the music a try. And woah it's very good. Didn't expect the album to be that fast paced, but hey THE DRUMMING IS SO AMAZING.
Black metal might be my shit
Finally, I knew about the band and its morbid story for a while but never gave the music a try. And woah it's very good. Didn't expect the album to be that fast paced, but hey THE DRUMMING IS SO AMAZING.
Black metal might be my shit
I recognize the effort put into the record, and the way it conveys anxiety from the cover to the lyrics/melodies, but I think it's an ok album. The biggest problem being, Chino Moreno is a good singer but a BAD rapper.
Be quiet and drive is 5/5 tho
I love it, Korn sure did take this project very seriously, it's a pleasure to listen to an album as good as the debut but with a more defined and evolved nu-metal sounding, making it excellent but in a different way than Self-titled's.
Tfw your country actually makes some very cool stuff. One of the best albums I've come across in terms of lyricism so far, especially the closing track. Proof that even extreme pieces of music can be absolutely gorgeous. I'll def give it some re-listens
Although I miss Friedman, this one's pretty solid and def a step up from Risk. I was a bit skeptical at first, but turns out the album has its own experimentation that happen to be absolutely awesome in Return to Hangar or Promises for example