Well, Ghost Rider VS Spawn got age-restricted. 😮
This severely limits how YouTube shares a video. We knew this was a possibility, but it means this episode is counting on word of mouth MUCH more than usual. So if you liked it, tell your friends about it!
This severely limits how YouTube shares a video. We knew this was a possibility, but it means this episode is counting on word of mouth MUCH more than usual. So if you liked it, tell your friends about it!
...and watch the episode when I can to help build up the view count!
Spawn says the f word: HOL UP THATS TOO MUCH!!!
shigaraki vs mahito is gonna be a money printer given the series involved and you still netted those sponsorships i'm sure you'll be good
Now YouTube is preventing us from reverting the video to its original version. This is not how it usually works, including for other age-restricted videos like Shadow VS Ryuko.
We have to play by YouTube's rules here, but in the future we expect to have a means of reposting unaltered or removed episodes.
Thank you for watching and sharing the episode!🙏
Ghost Rider VS Spawn got age restricted.
That's metal as fuck man.🤘
We say extreme as hell words "dang" and "fiddlesticks", youtube just wasn't ready for such violent words...
Hope it can get cleared up soon man.