Miller was not lacking for passion, tongue darting into her mouth to wrestle with it's opposite, hands seemingly quite experienced in knowing how to make a girl's chest feel very good.
Rosie meanwhile was learning to take a more...supportive...role. Kissing up to whisper in her ear-
Rosie meanwhile was learning to take a more...supportive...role. Kissing up to whisper in her ear-
Hands trained down to the waist of her bottoms.
As much as the blonde had handed over their mouth to Miller, and was lost in the tongue-filled kiss. Kenzie wanted, no, needed them both. To feel them explore their body…
"We're not far at all from our place."
Rosie started to softly push the two of them out of the booth, starting to practically drag them both along.
Rosie helping move them was for the best, if they ever left to their own devices, they’d be on a table, no doubt.