#auspol Thread: 1/
We know of ProIsrael Lobby intervention in the sackings of Antoinette Lattouf & Peter Lalor because they are media personalities who spoke up.
How many ordinary Aussies have lost their jobs in these “mass redundancies” simply because they expressed concern for Gaza civilians?
We know of ProIsrael Lobby intervention in the sackings of Antoinette Lattouf & Peter Lalor because they are media personalities who spoke up.
How many ordinary Aussies have lost their jobs in these “mass redundancies” simply because they expressed concern for Gaza civilians?
How many are unfairly branded Anti-Semitic even though we couldn’t care less what religion they subscribe to?
Even though none of us endorse these acts of vandalism, especially those targeting schools & childcare centers.
I’d have the exact same view if Netanyahu was a Catholic or a Muslim!
Since when is it a crime in Aus to speak out against Human Rights Violations? Since when is it a crime to criticize a Foreign Government or their leader? Since when is it a crime to be Anti-War?
Since when has it been ok for companies to discriminate against their employees for their views?
Antoinette & Peter didn’t insult a single Aussie Jew. They didn’t spray Swastikas on schools, or throw Red Paint at anyone’s old house or burn cars & synagogues.
Neither did they ever incite or condone any of these acts of vandalism & violence.
Yet they’ve been publicly humiliated & punished.
Aren’t our Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Defamation & Workplace Protection legislations supposed to protect ordinary people from being unfairly singled out & victimized for their political opinions?
Isn’t that what Freedom of Speech & Expression is supposed to be?
We don’t perform Nazi Salutes!
If there is a National Emergency in Australia, it is about ordinary citizens being denied our constitutional protections.
It is about Economic & Psychological Violence being inflicted on innocent people by Agents of a Foreign Government - the Anonymous & Supremely Powerful ProIsrael Lobby!
Why isn’t our Prime Minister condemning the ProIsrael lobby for abusing their powers & influence to harm ordinary, defenceless citizens?
Why isn’t our Prime Minister speaking out in defence of Ordinary Australians & making it clear that supporting civilians of Gaza is not Antisemitism.
It’s hard. She’s fighting but should never have had to.