I haven't posted much - I never do. But I do want to say this: if and when I come across a pic of Orange filth in my feed, I scroll right past without stopping to read. And if I come across several from the same person, I will unfollow or block. I consider that a methodology.
I've noted your parameters
I'm concerned about our mutualism continuing
I bash Trump daily/his image is often included
I would ask for you to ignore those moving forward w/out blocking me as I post other good shit too that will hopefully interest you
I look forward to yours
I read you bio and some of your posts
And I think we have some things in common
I try to post non political, inspiring posts as much as I post MAGA/Trump bashing posts...
This is just for you Rich
As a gift for your giving me a pass for my bashing
I didn't my best to NOT post his picture.
It's hard when an article has his face on it.
I am glad you call this out.
I will do better.