9.) I feel Ophelia would be horrendous when it comes to representing any governing body/city state. She could, however, if needed to represent Ishgard/Tural/or Sharlayan if push came to shove. Would it be any good that is to be determined.
10.) In Ophelia's downtime, she likes to tell stories. They might be based on true events, or they might be complete fabrication, but she just loves entertaining people. If she isn't telling stories, she hanging around her party doing silly things.
13.) Ophelia lost her first friend/love to the Calamity. Ophelia was about 12 when it happened, so she was still just a kid, but it was hard on her waiting for her friend to come home, but she never did.
If it's an actual minion, it's Wind-Up Alphinaud. Cuz he's just so cute.