I did my best to make teto sound natural and super emotional 😋🫶
the throat-clearing noise was one of my favorites to make too and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
when I was tuning the「囁く~···」part I was like "this one!! this line definitely sounds really good!!!"
I hope chocomint's teto is to your liking✨️
the throat-clearing noise was one of my favorites to make too and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
when I was tuning the「囁く~···」part I was like "this one!! this line definitely sounds really good!!!"
I hope chocomint's teto is to your liking✨️
いや、そうでしょうね··· 一生懸命作ってくださったんだなぁ···とめちゃくちゃ伝わっています!手が込みすぎて、ほんとレベルが高すぎる。
natural and SUPER emotional···最高···解釈一致です、私もこの調声がいいです、もう他の曲聴けません!!!(!?)
流石やはりchocomintさんの腕がいいからですね···(ᐢ 'ᵕ' ᐢ )✨️ 拝みます