"The three branches of government they bought — with plenty of change left — are now hard at work removing the few remaining barriers to yolo capitalism, banning players that don't belong to their little club, telling people who love freedoms..."
"and hate government overreach (lol) that they can't go to Pornhub anymore (long VPN companies!), and looking the other way when our local cunts do the exact same thing the banned players do. As oberstcunt Peter Thiel said, competition is for losers."
"It goes without saying that banning TikTok doesn't do anything. It also goes without saying that crying "hypocrites!" doesn't do anything, either. You cannot bring morals and ideological consistency to a cunt fight."
"For the rest of the world, what's left are the strays they'll catch. Some friendly foreign government cunt will ban TikTok too just to signal support and hope senpai notices. Some unfriendly foreign government cunt will use that as a talking point that goes nowhere."
"Meanwhile, we all lose, and we have very little recourse. That's why I think it's very important to at least try and rid ourselves from cuntpitalism."