standard challenge VICTORY with mice!! 9-1 overall. first modo post in a while, just havent played a random challenge in a while honestly. this deck is pretty broken, can win with a list thats just random numbers. shoutout to muppets and first bluesky post :3
r1: mirror 🐭🐭
r2: ur mid 🐭👿🐭
r3: otters 🐭🐭
r4: uw eye 👿👿
r5: pixie 👿🐭🐭
r6: pixie 🐭🐭
r7: jund ramp 🐭🐭
qf: uw eye (rematch) 🐭🐭
sf: jund ramp (rematch) 🐭🐭
f: ub annex 👿🐭🐭