ShitLibs are just the political analog to the people whose only understanding of the Bible is whatever their Pastor told them it said because they never read it.
The article is about why voters made a decision that is seemingly at odds with what many economic indicators say, which seems counter-intuitive. One can either accept that voter behavior is more complicated than a simple reaction to material circumstances, or one can invent new indicators.
the article is about the economic indicators being faulty. it's presenting it through the lens of voters because it's the only thing dorks like will will read. anything about economic indicators is beyond him - he needs to see it in terms of biden good trump bad or vice versa
the reason i know it's not about "inventing new indicators" as some method to explain voting is that the "new indicator" doesn't say that - it only says that 25% of the working class is chronically underpaid and has been for a very long time
The problem with engaging in bad faith is that you start to assume that everyone else is, too. Of course I have. Confirmation bias and One Weird Trick To Understand The Electorate aren't compelling unless you've got ideological blinders on.
I don't even disagree here! But things did get better under Biden, and so it's kind of confusing that people voted (by a small margin) to reject his VP and party!
and the answer here is that all the indicators you've been using to tell you that the economy is great haven't been telling you what you think they have. unemployment is intended for use by employers, not politicians, to forecast labor cost increases
there is a compounding effect to this, the longer we underpay people, the more they struggle to keep afloat. so if we chronically underpay 25% of the workforce by design, that's a lot of drowning workers even after ten years, let alone forty
Sounds like voters are less interested in material reality and more interested in vibes.