Threatening to take away their cash cows with counter threats, very sinister. Meanwhile people addicted to gambling are getting poorer whilst they get richer. The rich love inequality.
Reminds me of when the last government refused to release information on rapes in privately run detention facilties because releasing such information would be 'commercially damaging'.
You have to be morally bankrupt MP to prioritise gambling profits over people's well-being.
That’s because many are. Endless gravy, endemic to our political system now. 90% possible suspects. Gradually it’s built, incrementally, year on year. Remember the newspaper storm re Hamilton, brown envelopes and cash for questions? Now, it wouldn’t make page five likely. Corrupt don’t cover it.
Patterson! Always thought there was something fishy there! Who takes their own life the eve of her husbands birthday! Tragic but mightily suspicious baring in mind Rose Paterson’s job and Owen Paterson’s form! (Pun intended)!
What’s so stark, and so grubby, is the imbalance. How cheaply they sell. His thumb on the scale can save the industry scores of millions. He gets a £312 afternoon out.
It's always good practice to ignore little stuff and wait for large scale corruption before doing anything about it. That way enforcement always has work to do. Works for other problems too, burglary for example, phone theft. Don't bother with the little stuff and the big stuff will handle itself.
MPs should not be allowed to accept gifts/hospitality at all. A multimillion pound/dollar company don't give freebies out for the sake of it. There's always an agenda.
Private Eye is brilliant at exposing this type of thing, particularly went it comes from people who try to dress themselves up as models of propriety fighting for noble causes.
You have to be morally bankrupt MP to prioritise gambling profits over people's well-being.
Speaking of which, where HAS Dido Harding disappeared to?
You can give a campaign how ever many millions of dollars you want.
Yeah this country sucks anymore. Its cool for rich people I hear though.