Hey #AcademicSky, any advice for an early-career researcher who wants to organize his first conference? What’s the one thing he should watch out for?
To protect his privacy, the researcher in question (Guillaume Dalle) will remain unnamed.
To protect his privacy, the researcher in question (Guillaume Dalle) will remain unnamed.
"What do you mean no Saint-Nectaire"
* Have a team of reliable (preferably nice) people
* Block dates and places ASAP, if possible have them for free (in France: university for amphitheatre/lunch rooms, mayors for free cocktails in fancy room)
* if you plan to offer discounted place to sleep, do it soon too
* if you need money, look for grant opportunity (scientific societies, your lab, indiustrial partners,...)
Do you know of any grants that specifically target the organization of conferences? Mine would be in computer science / software engineering, if that helps
By "mayors" do you mean that one can often get cheap fancy rooms at the local city hall?
2. keep your lab director/department head and secretary in the loop at all times
my event hasn't happened yet but so far this advice has gotten me through most of the organizing
- What organization manages the money? A public one? An association? (CNRS: Azur Colloque is somewhat dysfunctional)
- Who runs the registration system?
- Renting rooms is expensive
- Food is expensive
- There's probably already one in place since it would be a continuation of an existing international conference
- Know of any universities who lend those for free ^^?
Where do you want to run this conference?
Does Paris Cité have conference rooms?
- book the venue a loooong time in advance
- be as precise as possible in your communication, any and all unclearness leads to confusion and further work down the line
Is it the next JuliaCon Local ? :)
But yes, ideally that's what I would like to put together 😇
Have two deadlines : one for long, one for short paper with the later being distant