Been playing since D1 Beta, I just prefer the crafting system over pure rng since while I don't mind playing I don't feel like I need to dedicate my entire existence to it.
Done the rng treadmill so many times in both D1 and D2 and crafting to me just respects my time more as a player.
The Menagerie worked somewhat for me since the range of 'activities' in it was pretty varied and not doing the same thing over and over. Plus there was the cheese as well and the perk pool wasn't as diluted with useless perks as we have now.
Crafting for me just feels like is something that respects my time better as a player and doesn't require me to consistently roll the dice 'hoping' to get something at least halfway decent. If people wanted to play the rng slot machine, they had the option to just not interact with crafting at all.
Plus given that compared to raids, seasonal weapons are time limited loot making them the rng weapons and not the raid ones makes no sense to me. If anything should be craftable it should be the weapons that aren't going to be around forever.
D1's grind worked cause all the content from beginning to end never left the game. But with D2 seasonal content only stays around for a year and then disappears, only coming back usually via that season's exotic mission which is on a roulette with every other exotic mission to date.
So after it's gone, who knows when it will come back to farm the weapons. Plus given they haven't given any word on how their 'catchup' system will work, for all we know it could just be 'farm for it whenever its exotic mission comes around again'.
Honestly I'm baffled why we can't have a compromise between crafting and rng for seasonal stuff like we do with raids, especially since we have adept seasonal loot now. Make the base regular versions of the guns craftable and have the cool looking shiny/adept/heretical versions be exclusively rng
That's exactly what they were doing, and nobody was going for adepts since they added barely any value. I don't think the looks of the gun would be enough to change that.
In my mind it's because they are more concerned catering to the Destiny streamers and YT'ers who make a living making content off their game along with all the people who choose to no-life this game.
Not everyone chooses to make this game like their second job, but Bungie don't care.
Done the rng treadmill so many times in both D1 and D2 and crafting to me just respects my time more as a player.
Not everyone chooses to make this game like their second job, but Bungie don't care.