So they want to cut everything to get their wealthy tax cuts through, then their Ag Sec. tosses out the possibility of billions in payments to farmers due to the trade guess we're cutting everything except the money to buy votes
There isn’t gonna be any actual math. they’re gonna constantly change the rules claim everything works somehow and lie all the time and how can they project any money from tariffs if they’re on and off? The numbers will be made up and change moment to moment
📚Technofeudalism: The Billionaire Coup Against Democracy 📚
How Elon Musk, Trump, and AI Governance Hijacked Government, Privatized Power, and Built a Digital Feudal Empire Controlled by Corporate
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
I don't get the math. I guess the CBO doesn't include the effect on the economy over a decade, the cost to the entire country of all the sickness and death. It will cost much more than money you thoughtless greedy bastards.
My prediction is that the gop can cut Medicaid without a lot of political damage. People look down on poor people, even other poor people do it. A lot of the polled predicted anger is because people confuse Medicaid and Medicare.
They oppose them because they think granny's Medicaid is going to get cut. And then, when it isn't, they won't care that poor people lost their healthcare.
Here is how you can tell if DJT is lying..." he's talking."
He knew ZERO about Project 2025-LIE
Mexico will pay for a wall- Lie
His crows are bigger- Lie
Ukraine started the war -Lie
He won the 2020 election- Lie
Who pays tariffs Lie
Eggs $$ will drop on my first day- Lie
I believe before they were talking about a tax on uncapitalized gains or something like that which would tax billionaires who's worth is in stocks and other assets.
Just tax all of it. Staff the IRS with enough people to fully audit these fucks worth over a billion every year and tax them on the value of everything they own. The inequality we have is antithetical to democracy so I don't care about playing nice or not being too harsh on these bastards.
Why aren’t we seeing cuts to the DOD? We’re getting kicked out of countries, and we are withdrawing from other countries. So why are we increasing their budget instead of decreasing it? What are they going to do with all that extra money?
How Elon Musk, Trump, and AI Governance Hijacked Government, Privatized Power, and Built a Digital Feudal Empire Controlled by Corporate
#BookSky #BookChallenge #20BookChallenge
so long left leg
That's what I'm saying.
He knew ZERO about Project 2025-LIE
Mexico will pay for a wall- Lie
His crows are bigger- Lie
Ukraine started the war -Lie
He won the 2020 election- Lie
Who pays tariffs Lie
Eggs $$ will drop on my first day- Lie
I running out of...
Oh wait.
He doesn't get an income. He gets paid in stock and then takes loans against them.
Bezos gets paid only 80k a year.
The problem isn't the tax rate - but the tax code.
You don't have enough will, because you'd be taxing the middle and working class, not the rich.
And you still haven't fixed the actual problem.
That would be political suicide to even entertain.
And if you cap it based on net worth (which isn't an accurate metric anyways) it goes to SCOTUS and dies anyways.
The tax code is the issue.
Nope. Not even clicking.