I’m not much of a beach person. But i absolutely love castaway cay. You’d think I’d be excited for the “sequel” but I’ve got like no desire to go based on everything I’ve read.
I prefer Lookout - if the walk didn't exist it wouldn't even be close. The only time I go to the beach is on DCL or if my family drags me but I loved this one. My 6yo managed fine (we left too late for there to be any wagons left) but I am sure it is pretty tough for toddlers.
This island has residents and hotels. So “private island” is a bit of a stretch. But I think yes, carnival has a beach a bit further up. No pier though, they tender.
We found the nature trails to be really nice. The signage was horrible, and we ended up getting lost and down a path that was closed and only for vehicles. I guess there are worse problems than getting lost on a beautiful tropical island where a giant ship is always in sight!
Perfect Day really spoils you on private islands. I originally loved Castaway Cay and enjoyed Princess Cays, but they don't hold a candle to Perfect Day.
Happy (slightly soggy) day at sea!
It feels more spread out. There’s more to do. It feels less manufactured.
And even the little details like more seating at the food and it’s better shaded seating.
But once you’re there I think lighthouse is winning on every metric.
Only issues so far are some bees at the soda machines and all the vegetation close to the paths are “young”
It’s to narrow for benches. Although that’s not an excuse but rather a design issue.
Would have been better to do a wider pier and tram pickup at boat.
I cannot stress this enough, do not try and walk it
#DisneyCruiseLine #DisneyDream #LookoutCay #DisneyDream
Really hope you have a great time