Annoyed but walked in to the attaining room that he saw Ambessa enter.
"I need to get some frustration out, Care to do a Practice spar with me?"
Usually he doesn't ask, Seems like something really on his mind today.
Annoyed but walked in to the attaining room that he saw Ambessa enter.
"I need to get some frustration out, Care to do a Practice spar with me?"
Usually he doesn't ask, Seems like something really on his mind today.
Hands shaking.
He's found someone that pisses him off and yet they're living rent free in his head.
That stare.
He can't fucking forget it and it's frustrating him to the core.
She has had that feeling before so perhaps this shall help
"Ready when you are jayce."
He's not knowledgeable about actual fighting but he did boxing as a kid for the scholarship stuff.