This sounds like bribery! “I’ll except payments of a Billion dollars”. The media would be all over this if Biden tweeted or said anything like this. Media re: Trump: “oh he really doesn’t mean it”.
Not like we should be surprised the US is for sale when at the hands of Trump, but this is truly scary and disgusting. What the actual fuck is happening in our country?
I’m not sure he’s thought that through - what if my new company EUROCORP decided to invest $1bn in a nuclear waste disposal site for all EU and UK reactors. $1m for the giant hole $999m for the bribes.
He thinks the environment is a hoax and he will destroy it. He’s the antichrist can’t say that enough, divider, builder of towers, liar, destroyer, and a politician.
The big difference between Biden and Trump is the actual president invests in companies, small and big, in order to grow the economy by and for the base. Trump will invite the wealthy to destroy them.
Nobody was paying attention when Donald tried to import Russian asbestos and make cancer great again. His likeness is sold on us asbestos in Russia. 🇷🇺
And the small business owners who will get eaten alive by big, huge companies with lots and lots of money to launder. Yeah, so screw everything but the billionaire.
This administration is open for business. Unreal.
This is literally the definition taking place in real time.
Jesus H Christ
2. Thiamethoxam
3. Chlorpyrifos
4. Atrazine
5. Paraquat
6. BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole)
7. BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene)
8. Titanium Dioxide (E171)
9. BVO (Brominated Vegetable Oil)
10.ADA (Azodicarbonamide)
What a fun list of chemicals banned in EU but still in use in US. 🙄
Our future, our health, our freedom.
When some chemical company starts killing people by dumping chemicals into the watershed, who will be paying for the cleanup?
The White House will be hosting the Russian Mafia and acting on their behalf for the next 4 years.
Seriously, the soon to be “incompetent-in-chief” is going to destroy our country and the world.
Everything and everyone except me” when talking about the rapist