Why when I can troll you from the comfort of my bed and protect myself from the tuberculosis that is running around with the bird flu. I’ve been trying to get a BCG vaccine but is seems they are not offered in the States. Good luck.
I along with thousands, maybe millions of Canadians have sworn to never enter the US again. (see tariffs, 51st state, fascist talking points), but so thrilled you will be there with your voice, your ultimate power!
Most aren't complacent, but when you get a knockdown punch to the face, you cant expect them to fight back until they've at least gotten up off the ground. We are trying, but it takes time. Not extensive amounts of it. This isn't an excuse for that, but it does take time... 1/2
also the rest of us care about the rule of law and want to make sure that everything we do stays within whatever lines of legality are left to us. We won't destroy the country to stop them from doing it, so it will take us more than a few weeks to do our thing 2/2
Many of us aren't complacent and we're not taking this lying down. Mobilizing on a large scale in a country this big takes effort and organization. Those of us who are already part of vulnerable populations have to take extra precautions. We're working on it.