I’ve been feeling more brave and putting my actual opinions online. I have to be honest: it’s fucking terrifying. For two years I’d just analyze a thing or w/e and it was peaceful for the most part. I try hard to have nuanced takes etc but man the lack of emotional intelligence of internetians is 🤮
I want to listen to video game music because I enjoy the songs.
It doesn't matter if it's a F2P gacha game or the latest AAA title. Games are art, but they are also supposed to be fun.
I just don't engage with trolls, period.
This is why I would welcome forced ID validation for socials.
People too comfortable with hiding and saying shit they never would to you if we knew who they were.
also isn't this literally a music-focused channel? lol
People are too bold with anonymity nowadays even though all they have to say is garbage like "if you don't share my opinion then wrath upon thee" and it's like "are you a tiny child of 5 throwing a tantrum"
We may never get to a day where we can vanquish such awfulness, but we can sure as hell try and keep pushing for something better.
Enough said.
but also they like a thing i dislike so that means they must be a terrible person"
im so sorry this happened to you... commentsections is truely where nuance goes to die
imagine disliking a game
Bonus points if they then in turn attack something else to try and bolster their stance.
Thank god you exists so I can feel normal about feeling that way.
I wouldn't give the ragebait of someone who didn't even bother with an avatar much credit.
Not ALL of them (because some games I am not open to), but a lot and that's OK.
"Top 10 worse" get more views than "Top 10 Best".
They take someone disliking something they like as a slight against them. An implication that they failed evaluating it.
But people just have different tastes.
A lot of these people are wounded, from not being respected in the past, they lash out. You cannot sure them, not is it your job. So you have to curate.
*Looks at Tifa*