I wonder if lots of people knocking on the doors of the big apps saying ‘buy my feature’ might get annoying for those companies. My fave feature is podroll (name notwithstanding!) and have only just realized that only one app supports it! Interesting P2.0iP homework ep that is!!
What a fun week it’s been. I’ve added a new ep of Podcasting 2.0 in Practice to my schedule on how individual podcasters can evangelize for features they want implemented, thanks to what we discussed on In and Around - small steps
Good article as usual, mate. I think you'll find we're in agreement, and the episode makes the same points, as well as suggesting we need a champion to drive forward.
The big outlier is what do listeners think, since no-one seems to be asking them.
I'm following this discussion with great interest. The mentioned episode felt to me a little like an ambush on guest not a click bait - surely it's just me. 🙃
The article here seems to confirm my view. Podcasting 2.0 is like Stalingrad, it is failing but it's not quite there yet.
No "ambush" at all - we know Claire very well, and fully support her show and what she's doing. Like any episode, it's a conversation starter with multiple viewpoints for the listener to take and make up their own minds. :)
Oh yes, I know. I know Claire from Mic's podcast club which she mentioned in the flattering round. She was talking about her podcast there and about P2.0. It was just this feeling of second hand awkwardness knowing she's promoting P2.0 and here we are talking about how it is failing.
I get that - and that people want the feature not the technology. But I wonder if there’s a benefit in “open podcasting certified” for apps with P2.0 features? Especially with recognition of the dangers of proprietary social media.
One of the problem with "Podcasting 2.0 Certified" is that a) there's no certification; and b) there isn't one app out there that supports every permutation of Podcasting 2.0 features. So, it gives no actual help to listeners, because it doesn't mean anything
The big outlier is what do listeners think, since no-one seems to be asking them.
At least, for now.
The article here seems to confirm my view. Podcasting 2.0 is like Stalingrad, it is failing but it's not quite there yet.
“Does this app have transcripts?”
“Does this app have good ways of discovering new podcasts?”
They don't need to care about P2.0 the term. They just need to care about features and what it does for their listening experience.
One of the problem with "Podcasting 2.0 Certified" is that a) there's no certification; and b) there isn't one app out there that supports every permutation of Podcasting 2.0 features. So, it gives no actual help to listeners, because it doesn't mean anything