Was gonna mention this. Leave it to Fox to "tell it like it is"... anyway, she's definitely not country in any traditional sense but has a bit of Americana flair. And the important part is the huge middle finger she gave fElon Muskrat! I love that energy!
Elon can go fuck himself, and glad the rich lady can sell off her car and make donations to NPR, but there are many of us that love our EV cars and would never trade them or sell them. We bought them before Elon turned to shit. But, the CyberTruck is shit so feel free to stone it. Hahaha
I would probably categorize her as pop/rock or possibly singer/songwriter.
Definitely not country.
It just has never dawned on me that any of her songs are country, much less that she is a country singer. I always thiught of her as more folk rock.
You're such a great ReSister, I added you to my #2 GSP. If you're not interested, please let me know, I'll remove you.
Sheryl Crow is not a country musician 😐