Age yourself with your first computer.
We got this Packard Bell 486 66Mhx system in 1995~ It was slow and ugly but it introduced me to the web, so I’ll love it forever. Look at that 2X CD ROM! 8MB of RAM!
We got this Packard Bell 486 66Mhx system in 1995~ It was slow and ugly but it introduced me to the web, so I’ll love it forever. Look at that 2X CD ROM! 8MB of RAM!
Later expanded to 200mb HDD (cost over £200) and 4mb RAM (so expensive I needed a uni sponsor to lend it to me) so I could run Windows for Workgroups (3.11).
We did great things with this PC and I learned my first steps with pascal and basic.
Yes, it's signed by the actual Woz. ;)
Our first was the Apple IIe. But we only had one disk drive, not the two in this pic.
First that was nine? College. Pentium 75, 125mb HD. Hot shit.