The Druids call for peace🕊️
May there be peace in the North
May there be peace in the South
May there be peace in the West
May there be peace in the East
May there be peace throughout the whole world.
So mote it be /I\ #Druidsky #Pagansky #OBODsky Share the Call for Peace 🕊️ Spread the intention! 🕊️
May there be peace in the North
May there be peace in the South
May there be peace in the West
May there be peace in the East
May there be peace throughout the whole world.
So mote it be /I\ #Druidsky #Pagansky #OBODsky Share the Call for Peace 🕊️ Spread the intention! 🕊️
May there be peace Below
May there peace within and always