if you're a grizzled middle aged motherfucker like me you've seen the cycle of resist liberalism enough times to know how these one-offs always end. look, if you genuinely want to get make an impact, do what's been proven successful: join a revolutionary political party + do political education
Also, you have weekends, an 8h workday, bathroom and meal breaks, and recourse against your employer injuring you because of revolutionary political parties, so
Every chain we break is a success.
what about Cuba, do they still have slave plantations
China: still run by feudal lords, or?
Oh, also: do you have weekends, or an 8h workday, or mandated breaks at work, or recourse if your employer injures you? Revolutionary socialist parties gave you those.
"It doesn't count because they were defeated by the guys with more money who didn't suffer 26 million losses in the biggest war of ever" is a pretty bad argument.
And the alternative has not won anything for working people, so
Any world event that happens you will see a boom in people joining local communities for like half a week before they give up when it comes time for them to provide in the community as well.
We must remain laser focused on human rights. Climate justice&winning the class war Fight for all those things, not your country. Neo libs&neocons are capitalist imperialists Who support slavery genocide& exploitation using anti communist propaganda to destroy us