I’m really thrilled
To see you here
Your love of critters
Makes me cheer!
Tonight is Round 1 of Same & Different!
To see you here
Your love of critters
Makes me cheer!
Tonight is Round 1 of Same & Different!
Thorold’s deer like their grass
With sharp hooves they can kick some ass
Males have antlers for their bling
Bet on them, it’s a Shor thing!
Meadow flora they like to eat
They communicate w/moves, sound, & smell
Much like cheerleaders, they can yell!
Gelada baboons live in grasslands
Show respect or they can throw hands
Social bonds are made by grooming
A victory must be looming!
This kangaroo will cluck & stamp
To send a warning through their camp
Males will cough when they fight
Do not question their might
Paca love to eat a mango fruit
Great at swimming, also cute
Sleep during the day, party at night
Watch out or these rodents will smite!
Fruits & berries it loves to eat
Angry males stomp their hooves
A winning animal even if RadMouth disproves.
Coati are omnivores
They search for bugs on the forest floor
They’re usually up during the day
Cross them & you’re sure to pay!
Fig-eating Bat is an island bat
They know the Caribbean is where it’s at
This Carl prefers to stay up nights
& move thru the trees w/their flight