(Posting early b/c it’s been one of those days so I don’t want to tempt fate.)
I’m really thrilled
To see you here
Your love for critters
Makes me cheer!
Tonight is Round 1 of Tuxedo Style! #2025MMM
I’m really thrilled
To see you here
Your love for critters
Makes me cheer!
Tonight is Round 1 of Tuxedo Style! #2025MMM
Polar Bear
Master of ice
You think you can beat them?
No dice!
Eurasian Water Shrew
Will swim & bite
It’s what they do
Has a neurotoxin surprise for you!
Tasmanian Devil
Full of growls
Scavenging carcasses
On the prowl!
Delacour’s Langur
Likes the ground
Will hoot & display
Victory Bound!
Malayan Tapir
Spreading fruit seeds
If attacked on the neck
Bashes assailant against trees!
Giant Cloud Rat
Arboreal fan of the night
With your fluffy coat
You’re a winning sight!
Cape Buffalo
Tough & strong
If you think you can beat them
You’d be wrong!
Likes to be alone
If you’re an invertebrate
It’s you they will own!
Ribbon Seal
Prefers the icy waters
Good chance they will win
Outside of incidental orca slaughter!
Southern Tamandua
Forages in trees
Has a “come at me bro” pose
Winning will be a breeze!
Can have a big pointy tooth
A bonus for winning?
It’s the truth!
Eastern Spotted Skunk
Carries mace
Run if it handstands
Or it will spray your face!