I welcome comments or articles from all independent candidates for the upcoming Federal election.
It is my opinion that Australia is better off with independent candidates at least holding the balance of power.
Both major parties, whether their tie is blue or red, or even green, have shown ...
It is my opinion that Australia is better off with independent candidates at least holding the balance of power.
Both major parties, whether their tie is blue or red, or even green, have shown ...
Bob was, still is a great environmental campaigner.
And today ... he fully endorses the growth of the Greens into being a party that also cares about all manner of human rights, justice.
That's what I like about BlueSky.
You raised a point (fair enough and rightfully so) and we've (effectively) debated it whilst being respectful to each other.
I thought I'd raise that point, simply because the points you raised made me think.
Respectful debate.
So I'll take my editorial stance early. Support independents in your community ...
This thread is my opinion.
Both of these women didn't just show up, win the election and disappear like major party politicians do. They continued to engage with the community.
McGowan started the "Voices of" model, and later along came the so-called 'teals'
Some try to these independents into 'political parties' when, in reality, they are simply support network groups of independent candidates ...
McGowan won the seat because long-forgotten voters in long-ignored small towns voted for her because she engaged the community.