Peter Dutton, a man in a position of power praised and stood up for paedophile Cardinal Pell and praised him several times.
I'll be raising this issue every day of #election25 #auspol and standing up for the young boys Pell raped and the lives he destroyed.
I'll be raising this issue every day of #election25 #auspol and standing up for the young boys Pell raped and the lives he destroyed.
Well, if that's true then every inmate in Australia is "woke" too.
Prisoners don't support pedos. Dutton did. Fact.
There are three crimes that even inmates do not accept (in order): A pedo, a rapist or a snitch.
Prisoners don't praise pedos they belt the living shit out of them, sometimes killing them.
Nothing will change my mind. If you attended Pell's funeral you're a supporter of paedophiles.