That’s why I added “in general”. Repeating myself, Americans in general are racist pieces of shit. Education was destroyed for this very reason, to your point.
Completely unfair to paint all Americans with the same brush as MAGA. You are correct about the hardcore MAGAs. And yes, it is very sad that there are as many as their are. But the popular vote was very close. Unlike what he claims was a "mandate". It was not.
I believe we were stuck with trump due to Republican cheating by voter suppression. Knocking people off of voter rolls, rejecting mail-in ballots, challenging people's right to vote, and all manner of other immoral and unethical methods. All are described by Greg Palast. Look him up.
I couldn’t agree more for a vast part of them. I truly believe that Russian propaganda has been seeping into our media for the past 40 years and went on super speed in the last 20…a sort of brainwashing+ low education, thanks to Republicans for that as well. Those of us not on the train…education.
Sweeping generalizations aren't constructive. They don't get to the root of the problem. Is there racism? Absolutely, but it's not the only cause. Apathy is a big one, as well as willful ignorance. Also, the need for sensationalism works against us. Facts don't get clicks & views, unfortunately.
I’ll decide what I believe is constructive, you do you.
Americans in general are racist pieces of shit. And, generally they don’t care about anything but their own short term needs. Generally ignorant, generally selfish and generally racist. It just is.
You might want to watch what Greg Palest has to say about that. They suppressed 3.5 mill of Kamala’s voters, she would have one but for that alone. In addition there is clear evidence that they also rigged the voting machines and switched her votes to him, so no he did not win in anyway they cheated
Go to YouTube and type in Greg Palest, there are several videos and he’s done them with many other podcasters or whatever you call them. You can also search Election Truth Alliance on YouTube, I sent you who to follow on here. They have many videos.
Makes me crazy that no one did a hand count in the swing states, with all the weird election statistics that came out.
Check out Lights On with Jessica Denson.
Yes I have seen all her vids. I know, they should never have allowed them to suppress voters and yea they should have done a head count but because of the bomb threats it changed the rules of a challenge because of chain of command.
Check out Election Truth Alliance and Smart Elections, both non partisan groups that have dug into the shady election results. Blows my mind that still nobody is talking about it.
Probs true but will never be proven. America is a #shithole country and there doesn’t appear to be enough saviors. But, lots of peeps will make a lot of money and declare it “all good” until the shit literally burns dow.
Also follow Election Truth Alliance on here and YouTube. I am hopeful they will get this in court but they are putting together as much evidence as possible
The guy is actually a group that is a non profit trying to get the truth out there after they finish getting numbers from all the states. The other guy you’ll just have to look him up, this is something he has done for years. He brings lawsuits to these states that do this shit. Not just some guys!
Where’s the proof? The smoking gun? Democrats were said to have cheated in 2020, now Republicans are accused of cheating in 2024. Has the U.S. really devolved into a banana republic where one side (the losers of elections) always accuses the other side (the winners of elections) of cheating? Sheesh.
This group Election Truth Alliance is but some other group came out and claimed the same thing but their information wasn’t completely accurate. These guys are really diving in and hopefully will bring it to court but will they remove him, kinda doubtful. Other countries are doing it so why are we?
Americans in general are racist pieces of shit. And, generally they don’t care about anything but their own short term needs. Generally ignorant, generally selfish and generally racist. It just is.
Question: are you legitimately angry about the status of America or are you simply looking for a fight?
I agree 100%
I cannot believe we're back here again, and it's so much worse.
Check out Lights On with Jessica Denson.
Our election was stolen