sincerely hope not - but certainly it’s just astonishing that this would happen at ALL, let alone AGAIN within a week?! FFS it’s a disaster like everything bloody else - and ol’ flaccid sac #Luxon does nothing! Ever!
Absolutely awful.I alerted ex-refugee family in Sth Akld about this when it broke last week, their school kids will now only have fruit at lunchtime until this is sorted. They are dismayed that they may have eaten haram food.
Successful public policy requires an approach that goes beyond theory and theatrics. This policy was always going to be a costly failure. Stakeholder and users were ignored. Communities were disempowered. The centralised big government solution was not given enough time to do the job well.
The definition of success was save money. When in reality it has shifted the cost and burden to communities, without ever them the opportunity shape delivery.
IMHO: it speaks perfectly to the disconnect between He Poneketanga and the rest of us: to think a centralised lunch solution could be delivered from The Terrace, while ignoring the technical guidance and evidence, refusing to do phased rollouts and by design ignoring community needs.
So far the talk on devolution and public services delivered by and for communities in their context, addressing their needs is just that - talk. Both big parties "talk" about devolution and decentralisation. Both big parties prefer the opposite.
I mean, at any time this would have been *less than ideal* but the fact that it happened only five days after this story broke.. and to the same school.. suggests something pretty broken. You’d think there’d have been a ‘be very careful’ note on that file ..
I can't cut this one with hanlon's razor because compass group's incompetence is so gargantuan, but on the other hand *this* kind of fuck up a week after they're the ones going to the media about their previous incompetence smells malicious to me.
The thing that appears to be broken is giving a fuck.
I'd be interested to see the stats on how often other special dietary meals are stuffed up. And whether there's certification/training to ensure they're guaranteed to be free of the stated allergens, or if they have "may contain" disclaimers.
Being sensitive to the health needs and cultural practices of your "customer" is woke David. They should all just "man up" and be grateful for the slop they're being served.
CompassNZ website is a masterclass in marketing, the reality of what they provide versus what they say they do is extreme.
“passionate about delivering superior food and service and take pride in achieving this. We look to replicate success, learn from mistakes and develop the ideas.”
So much for Mr Choice Seymour 🙄 #nzpol
Clearly, ham is in it.
There IS a very careful note on the file
"Screw these people, they'll eat what we tell them and learn to LIKE it or they can starve, we don't have to give a damn, we still get paid"
Or words to that effect
I'd be interested to see the stats on how often other special dietary meals are stuffed up. And whether there's certification/training to ensure they're guaranteed to be free of the stated allergens, or if they have "may contain" disclaimers.
“passionate about delivering superior food and service and take pride in achieving this. We look to replicate success, learn from mistakes and develop the ideas.”