Finally dove into HL: Alyx and obvs it's incredible. But yesterday I cleared out my entire living room so I had a good 4x4m space to run around with my Quest 2.
Easily one of my top five lifelong gaming moments.
Room scale HL:A with inside-out tracking in that much space is just bonkers.
Easily one of my top five lifelong gaming moments.
Room scale HL:A with inside-out tracking in that much space is just bonkers.
Walk to the end of your space, snap turn 180 while turning 180 and then keep walking.
Fiddly to start but an incredible experience.
I'll go in on renting a warehouse with you and we can pay it properly :D
From the moment I put the headset down in the afternoon my mind was racing thinking of friends who had warehouses with high speed wifi that I could take my pc to. hahaha