Not as much as you’d expect video game wise. I was always a huge trader-in so have no old games and systems to speak of. Do have some notable collectibles and rare stuff, but more boxes of stuff than a houseful.
In the last 10 years I've trimmed down from about 600 physical games for about a dozen formats to under 200 for only Nintendo platforms. The biggest change was selling all my loose carts and going CIB only. Now I have a collection that's much smaller but far more satisfying to look at.
Yeah, I am in the process of passing on much of my old stuff, old games, consoles, toys and other things. I have had a few health scares the past few years and I don't want to leave others to deal with my stuff.
Not exactly retro, but my mum was a hoarder. It took me six months to clear her house; things like a bundle of empty pay packets from 1977, change of address cards from 1972, and many similar things buried in several hundred old newspapers.
For the sake of whoever clears up after you, thin out early
Sold all mine after realising it's only plastic. All that money tied up in plastic was silly, and after I sold it, it bought me brand-new top of the rare fishing gear. However, I'll never get rid of my RPG book collection and first edition hardbacks.
For the sake of whoever clears up after you, thin out early
"Nobody wants your stuff". Just not sure when to start, I don't feel old enough yet