We are honestly completely unprepared for an atmosphere that holds more water.

Risk of repeated flooding events for this area: High



All those glaciers have to go somewhere we've been lucky that it hasn't panned out like futurists had guessed, where the sea levels rose to eat cities all at once. But the water is still there in the system, trying to find somewhere to go, and it's translating to nightmare storms and freak weather.
At normal atmospheric pressure and 25 deg C a cubic meter of air holds 12g of water...
7% rise per degree!
Content in water is linked to physical laws NOT the amount of water from melted glaciers.😉
What happens to soil and its inhabitants when water sits on it for one or more days?
Also, when does methane production start, is half an inundated day enough?
That’s 7% for each 1C increase?
But my mom says that Michael Shellenberger says climate change isn't a big deal. (😫😭)