That statement makes absolutely no sense. It’s MAGA who are supporting Russia — it’s Russia who owns tRUMP and possibly Elon. Maybe you need to do some actual research instead of buying into the MAGA propaganda
Schumer was going to be investigated by the FBI for an off hand comment he made, I think about Tesla (?), but it was dropped after he said he misspoke. I think he's scared.
I love Belle of the Ranch’s videos. She has described the risk of not voting for the CR. There was real fear of Trump not opening the govt ever again. So, that explains the 10 Dem’s flip. Problem is: that should’ve been the narrative all along. Lack of unity is crippling.
Don't forget Putin is part of a faction of oligarchs just like our shit heads. The world is factions of oligarchs, & monarchs, and other rich fuck wads who are fighting over who gets to eat the most of the rest of the world that is left for them to eat. Even china, is just oligarchy in disguise.
Something ain’t okay.
It’s like a house is on fire, and the owner says, “I’ll send a letter to the fire department and ask for help.”
Dems’ actions, reactions, words are not appropriate for the crisis we’re in. Something is off.
Trump is the one with dirt on everybody & gVe Putin what he didn't already have. The 1st thing he did with his access to all the secret & classified info was get that dirt. You know Lindsey Graham has serious issues he's terrified will be exposed.
We can be loud, but voting is not gonna save us. Musk has control of all the levers & if we don't figure out how he stole the election for Trump, we will never win again. That's why I Rethugs are doing Trymps bidding. Musk cab keep them in power if they behave or out if they don't.
Putin, or trump. Maybe kompromat, maybe just old fashioned Mafia threats. Horse's head in the bed stuff. What signal was trump sending schumer when he called him a Palestinian? Schumer announced his yes vote a few hours later.
Elon could take just one of his $400 billion and buy every congressperson for $2 million each. It would be an excellent investment with great ROI.
Insider trading (Schumer🧐)
The Epstein express
Citizens United nipple
Something ain’t okay.
It’s like a house is on fire, and the owner says, “I’ll send a letter to the fire department and ask for help.”
Dems’ actions, reactions, words are not appropriate for the crisis we’re in. Something is off.
Blackmail and extortion FTW.
That's who they work for.
A shutdown would've sent the market into serious crash territory.
They have to keep their stockholders happy.
It isn't any more complicated than that.