Besides, if they flushed them, we would DEFINITELY find out pretty quick about THAT sneaky trick! "Honey, we need to call Mr. Roto Rooter for the kids' toilet again!" 👨🔧
Naah, they just throw it all away and hope you didn't search the trash. Plates, bowls, mugs, forks and spoons, ALL of it in the trash! Guess we should be suspicious when they voluntarily take the trash out for us? 🙎♀️😂
I would ALWAYS accidentally leave silverware in Tupperware in the bottom of my backpack or stashed in my room. Find it MONTHS later covered in mold inside. I didn't want to deal with that, so I would just sneakily toss the container into the trash and bury it with other trash. 🫡
😅😅😅 I knowwwwww 'no Ma have no idea what happened to it.' Says the 16 year old kid hoping her mom doesnt need to search the trash for anything. I was the baby third child, I normally got away with it! I just turned 30 last week and still wonder if she knew. 💀