Time for some civil disobedience people!!! Do research, spread the word. Keep it non violent!! And know the carnage comes at 3.5% participation. Do a little research and find out what can you do on the front line and the back end.
United We Stand Divided We Fall!!
That structural lack of visibility is a real problem, though! I didn’t live thru the progressive era(s) but from all my reading it seems like the ability of activists to drive public salience has never been so suppressed as it is now; both the media and the opposition party have marginalized protest
That is to say that past citizen activism, while long and hard, also captured attention, and moreover that pressure over current events could push policy in ways that, from 2025, seem dizzying. The EPA exists bc activists leveraged highly public disasters that stayed in public consciousness
And it seems to me that Democrats, despicably, identified that process as the thing which powered Reagan to victory in the 80s. Since then the Dems have run a pretty consistent playbook of slow rolling and waiting out the bursts of salience that crises generate; school shootings are just one example
So now after 30 years, protests are just a thing that happen whether you listen to them or not, and citizens calling Democratic legislators to action are described as being wasteful, as though such pressure is useless to them.
My TT feed has been full of live feeds from immigrant/ICE protests in a number of cities and I make sure to interact with them all so the keep showing up.
Yep. I just shared a post of students marching here in Los Angeles. They been doing so for days. And there was a huge protest that shut down one of the freeways a few days ago.
They’re waiting for the major release protests so they can give their money to grifters like they did with police brutality years ago. US capitalism is a sickness.
This is the flyer for the second one, which I also only have a screenshot of. At least, I think this is the flyer? I eventually found the museum event, only one other person was at LOVE Park.
I was at both of these in Philadelphia. The first one did get a little press, but I still cannot find one trace of the second one – – which took place in front of the art museum, where tens of thousands of cars and trucks saw it – – in the media, at least not using any major search engine.
Denver showed up yesterday, despite the stupid reddit post going around trying to discredit the events. Some of the organizers of our event have been activists since the 80s. They knew wtf they were doing.
There’s apparently one that’s supposed to happen either this weekend or next in the Bay Area starting in different cities on the Peninsula and culminating in SF. On foot. That’s 20 miles one way from the starting point. There were also protests on the “Day Without Immigrants”.
YES!!! It's definitely helping keep my energy up to learn about the different ways that the PEOPLE are *not* taking this, actually, just the ones in office
Part of the issue is that the legacy media is doing a terrible job at covering the protests. Most likely to appease Dear Leader. I’m thrilled to see people marching
It seems they are simply admitting that they themselves are not protesting. THEY are not organizing at their capital building/city hall/town hall/post office/highway off-ramp, therefore no one is.
We just passed Welcoming City in my city & it's been filed in the next city with a vote in 14 days. Public comment of over 3 hours with nobody dissented. People are pissed! And do not want local resources supporting ice in anyway
Lots of kids walking out here near Houston. People are shaking heads saying “What’s walking out going to do?” and totally missing the fact that they’re engaging in discussion about WHY the kids are walking out in the comment section with other people.
If nobody is posting them, and you do, then you're doing a great job filling a need. 😊
United We Stand Divided We Fall!!
"So where are all those protesters that were out during Biden's term"
And it's like... they're still out protesting? They didn't bother to check.
The media stopped covering protest as much and they thought that meant... protests stopped?
If someone says they haven't seen a protest, it's because they live their life with their fingers in their ears.
Let's see, last 24hrs...
I find it suspicious TBH, (something that I am NOT prone to)
Well in my city the protest was against the mass deportations. But still
And if they can't find anything they will just retreat into their mind palace and make things up.