I'm a broken record on this so I'll just say again that you should take every opportunity to [if you can] gather with other people who are trying to do constructive things in the world. Attend the zine fairs, the craft circles, the workshop sessions, food distros, people's assemblies, all of it.
Tomorrow we gather again to work towards systems change in our state.
The work continues.
I'm gathering with neighbors next weekend, attending zine fairs when they pop up, supporting indie writers, donating, giving time, making shit--brave shit, beautiful shit, FUNNY shit.
That can be as simple as inviting someone along or as complex as carrying out a multi-step plan to make gathering spaces safe and healthy for all who wish to be there!
It's something people should still be doing anytime they're in a public setting (esp indoors or outdoors in a group) already, but it's always a great time to start again!