This is all one needs to understand M*GA. Because his fans LOVE HIM because they are able to loudly "express" their hatred and disdain. Their violence is also state approved.
Reposted from
Walter Benjamin writing about fascism in 1936
"Fascism attempts to organize the newly proletarianized masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate. Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves."
"Fascism attempts to organize the newly proletarianized masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate. Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves."
Addendum: "And whether you care about those means also matters"
Wear that BLM swag!
Wear that LGBTQ+ swag!
Wear your anti-nazi swag!
Before it becomes illegal
If you’re already a selfish asshole and a bully, grafting fascism onto that mix is a no-brainer.
“With this type, who tends to fetishize technology, we are concerned with people who cannot love. They are thoroughly cold. They must withdraw their love from others initially, & whatever love somehow survives in them they must expend on devices.”