A lot of that corporate $ goes toward a lot of good that people don’t realize at Pride. Community events that run through the year. Sponsorship $ that gets passed on to smaller organizations in need.
As someone who was very familiar with previous budgets, I can’t support a full return to our roots.
As someone who was very familiar with previous budgets, I can’t support a full return to our roots.
Reposted from
Toronto Star
#Breaking: Toronto’s Pride 2025 festival in peril as large sponsors pull funding amid U.S. backlash against diversity
Many queers want Pride “back to its roots”, basic protest only.
There’s an argument to be made there; I understand their celebrations.
Corporations will always disappoint.
A lot of people don’t consider all the angles though.
It’s complex.
Pride is a protest. But also a party. But also a protest.
but it also waters down what Pride was about. then again, knowing the politics of Pride and the parades and floats, it's always been watered/muddied
But yes, pride as a movement is too big, muddy, and important for a wide range of people, to be able to shrink it down to just party or protest.
Losing $ sucks. Losing shitty sponsors, less so.
does not hurt that there's an event that "normalizes" queerness